Home Newsletter Locations Diary



December 2014 

Photographers Resource

ISSN 2399-6706

Issue No: 131

A View of Edinburgh from Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year for 2015

Your First Visit
Wildlife Photography In December
December Diary
It's the holiday season again, when all our local towns light up their shopping high streets and encourage us to spend, spend spend! Don't forget to take a look at Where to Photograph Christmas Lights to find something near you, but it's also a time for family and friends. Although it may appear that everything stops for Christmas there is still lots going on and an abundant array of photo opportunities to be had, including portraits or candid shots of those we are visiting or who are visiting us, Christmas lights in our homes or nearby streets and the crazy antics taking place in local communities on Christmas Day, or just just step outside your front door and capture the wildlife, nature and weather around us. So whether you are celebrating in the UK, in warmer climates away from home with family or friends, or just about anywhere in the world there are many photo opportunities just waiting to be taken.

This time of year I also start to think about what next years photo project might be. This year I decided for my project, not use my Nikon camera but to instead take photos only using my iPhone and iPad Mini. All the advertising blurb concentrates on the photo aspect of these devices both taking and sharing, and all the promotional images you see are bright sunny outdoor affairs, but the UK isn't that sunny all year round, so how would it cope, and as expected the results were mixed, but better than I first thought. I'll share more with you next year.

We haven't had a chance to get out and about this month, but things have still been just as busy trying to sort out the new website so haven't had a chance to write anything up. But we are hoping to have loads more new content for you to explore in the New Year.

Happy Holidays

and see you in 2015


Articles to take a look at this month

With what is covered in this newsletter this month in mind the following is a highlight of some of the articles and lists you might like to take a look at amongst this huge resource. They may also give you some ideas for next years project might be!

A Quick Look at the Direction of Lighting in Portraits

Introduction to Studio and Flash Lighting  

Photographing coloured lights in forest/woodland settings 

Photographing Street scenes at night 

Where to Photograph Christmas Lights

Ice Rinks - Winter Outdoor

Carnivals and Illuminations

Fire Festivals and Fire Events

Photography over the winter months

Wet weather photography

What To Do With Your Photos

Organising and Indexing Your Images

Backing up your photo collections

A Project For This Year

Possible Year Projects

Making People Disappear

We are upgrading this website

We are moving from a Microsoft Frontpage based website to something much newer and more flexible, run on our Apple systems. This is a major change and is going on in the background.

Our two Windows computer systems are often difficult to start and we have decided that should these fail, before the new system is live, we will allow a gap of a month or two to occur rather than waste time setting up outdated systems as a temporary measure. So if we go missing for a month or two please check back regularly as we will be back. Hopefully there will be no problem and we will be able, in the near future, to switch over to the new system and as you may have noticed we have been out collecting a vast amount of more information to expand it.

Let's Explain How This Resource Works

One of the most popular features is a monthly diary covering interesting and unusual things on, around the UK, in the two months ahead.

Everything that appears, or ever has, is indexed in a number of ways, alphabetically, by topic, by county, and often linked into sections. Many of the sections have their own front doorways so people with specific interests have direct access through these doors to their area of interest.

Up until July 2012 we also produced a monthly newsletter as apart of this resource, but like magazines going over the years we found it becoming a little repetitive, so decided to concentrate on the resource development and drop the newsletter issues. You can get back to see every newsletter, from the beginning, via our recent editions link.

All of our links are coded showing you if it's an external link or one of our own pages and when it is, the type of page it is. You will find a key to the most popular ones at the bottom of the contents panel on the left and clicking on any of the symbols will bring up a full list. Holding your mouse over one of these symbols tells you what it means.

If this is your first visit, click here to find out how you might best use this site to help you find what you are looking for.


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